Temporomandibular Joint Physio - TMJ Physio Noosa

The jaw, like other joints, can become stiff, sore and clicky. This can be caused by overuse of the jaw muscles, clenching, grinding teeth or from jaw trauma. If you have jaw pain on opening or chewing, or perhaps a new click, then I may be able to help alleviate symptoms.

Jaw Pain Physio (TMJ)

Jaw clicking and jaw pain are no fun. Prolonged opening of the mouth in dental procedures, clenching the jaw due to stress and jaw related headaches from grinding are all musculoskeletal conditions that can be treated by a Physiotherapist. As a Noosa TMJ Physio, I’d be happy to assess your jaw mechanics, give you some pain relieving treatment and aim to improve your jaw function and movement.

FAQ’s about Noosa TMJ Physio Treatments

  • As a TMJ Physio, I’m able to assess the jaw joint and surrounding muscles and will endevour to find the root cause to your jaw click. Sometimes, when we treat the jaw joint and muscles, we are able to reduce or eradicate the jaw click. I beleive it’s always worth assessing and trying Physio before you consider more drastic approaches involving surgery.

  • This is a tough one. It’s a good idea to rule out tooth ache pain with your dentist first. Throbbing new pain and worse at night can indicate tooth pain whereas joint pain is more evident when moving the jaw. If in doubt, feel free to call your dentist or myself on 0421803676 to discuss.

  • Absolutely. TMJ Physio is about treating you holistically so we will go through how we can better manage your stress, physically manage your jaw click or pain and cover any other factors that may be contributing to your jaw dysfunction. I’m also able to refer you to the appropriate dentist or surgeon if needed. Come see me at my Noosa Heads residence for some relief today. Bookings available online.